Peregrine Bullets are tailor made for the reloading connoisseur and his precision shooting needs. The Peregrine Bullets range has boat-tails for ease of loading as well as enhanced ballistics.
RDM (Rheinmettal Denel Munition – Somchem Powders) propellant was used for the Peregrine Bullets load development. The reloading data sheets provide suggested loads for hunting rifles.
The reloading data provided is not guaranteed to be free from any errors or defects. Use at own risk!
Peregrine Bullets oxygen-free, non work-hardened red-copper bullets are superior in comparison to most competitors’ bullets, thus barrel wear and copper fouling are minimized.
Feel free to contact us for additional reloading guidelines and data not listed.
Reloading Data Disclaimer
Reloading can be dangerous as equipment differs and our published data can not take all possible variants into consideration. All reloading and firing of reloaded ammunition is done at your own risk and Peregrine Bullets can not be held responsible for the correctness of any reloading information provided.
The load data published by Peregrine Bullets is intended as a guide only and for use by experienced hand-loaders familiar with safe reloading techniques. Always start with a conservative and reduced load then work up to the recommended load in a safe and responsible manner.