The reloading 45 ACP rounds experience is presumed to be the same as others. The main difference is from reloading lead projectiles to non lead projectiles.
Lead projectiles work best using a taper crimp for the correct headspace. With lead calibers from 451 and 452 caliber, taper crimping usually works fine, and keeps the bullet from moving in the case. This is caused from heavy recoil or dropping rounds on a hard surface (from experience). Full Metal jacketed bullets work best with a roll crimp in a grove on the bullet, to keep from moving in the case.

Peregrine rounds are 450 caliber, and with once fired cases, they will usually have a 10 thousandths case wall. I am using military once fired Match cases. The RCBS sizing die that I have brings the case down to a inside diameter of 450.This does not need an expander die. Bullets will go in easily with your finger pressure, then using the seating die for exact depth to the top grove, needing a roll crimp.
After loading 8gn Hodgdon CFE Pistol powder. Inset the Peregrine rounds to a depth of 337 thousands of an inch. (Down to the top groove on the round). Use a 45ACP roll crimp die, (I have had the best results with a LEE seating die that is also a crimp die.) After the die does the crimp, you remove the round from the die, making sure the roll does not bulge the case.( if the case is not the same exact length.)
40 S&W is very similar just setting depth is 358 thousands of an inch, even with 8gn Hodgdon CFE Pistol powder and the use of 40 S&W Lee seating die.
45 ACP 170gr SD |
CFE 8.0 |
1082 |
fps |
CFE 8.0 |
1090 |
fps |
CFE 8.0 |
1056 |
fps |
CFE 8.0 |
1082 |
fps |
CFE 8.0 |
1060 |
fps |
CFE 8.0 |
1065 |
fps |
CFE 8.0 |
1107 |
fps |
average |
1077.4 |
fps |
40 S&W 130gr SD |
CFE 7.5 |
1351 |
fps |
CFE 7.5 |
1380 |
fps |
CFE 7.5 |
1242 |
fps |
average |
1324.3 |
fps |
CFE 8.0 |
1399 |
fps |
CFE 8.0 |
1437 |
fps |
average |
1418 |
fps |
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