I would like to share one of my experiences in the hunting arena with your bullets this year.
My father and I went hunting in Tshepise with Johan Botha on his beautiful and large farm, Geluksdal. It turned out that the farm owner also makes use of Peregrine Bullets in all his hunting rifles and I believe that it helped tremendously to build trust between ourselves and the farm owner. I was, unfortunately (or fortunately), unable to recover all the bullets shot, as the penetration was so good. It was also the first time that I was able to take my new Mauser .308 on a proper hunting trip and also the first time that I was able to test anything smaller than my .375 Peregrine Bullets in the field. My ideal prey at the onset of the hung was an eland bull and I wanted the first animal I hunted with my Mauser .308 to be an eland bull… Things didn’t work out exactly as I wanted, however, it didn’t work out too poorly, either.
We started our hunt on a Tuesday, and just before the guide and I decided to stop hunting for the day due to poor lighting, a beautiful warthog boar crossed our path. Although it wasn’t an eland bull, I felt it was worthy to break in my new rifle. He was very close, estimated at about 15 yards, so I chanced a neck shot as I couldn’t see his flank well and also because a late afternoon warthog has a bit of a reputation. The bullet went straight through his neck and it was all over for him.
On our way back to camp after a long day’s hunt on the Wednesday afternoon, my guide and I walked into a herd of eland. We pushed them until we got them into an empty dam. The bull was within shooting distance, but wouldn’t stand still. The third cow went to stand in a bit of a clearing in the dam and my guide was in the perfect spot with the shooting tripod. It was approximately 80 yards, perhaps a little too dark, but I had enough confidence to take the shot. All that I could see was a large orange flame through my telescopic sight and a dust cloud behind the cow, but I knew that it was bad news for the cow, and not for me. She didn’t manage to travel far, 45 yards at most. It was at that moment that I was 100% certain that the .308 with the Peregrine BushMaster VRG3 would be able to down an eland bull.

The next two days proved to be very uneventful; my guide and I found numerous eland tracks and often came so close to the herds that we were able to hear them grazing, but, unfortunately, we were unable to see them as a gusty wind kept giving our position away – and we would only see dust clouds as the eland took off. After many miles through the bush, and a significantly smaller middle measure of my belt, we had a legendary day on Saturday.
I was sick and tired from walking at that point, and the wind also had me a little grumpy. On our way back to camp, my guide suddenly stopped and put his shooting tripod down. Slowly but surely the kudu bull came into the picture. He was completely unaware of me, although he suddenly became suspicious. The thicket was quite dense where he was standing, and I could only see his head, and not very clearly at that. I waited patiently with my rifle over the shooting tripod, waiting for him to give me an opening to go for the shot. There was a half second where I was able to see his neck, and the shot rang. He was on the ground immediately, but I had missed his spine. The follow-up shot finished him then and there. The first shot went straight through his neck, but the second shot was inside the kudu and I was able to recover this bullet.

After breakfast my father suggested that I go back into the thicket, because we hadn’t traveled all the way to miss out on the eland bull. My guide and I were in a much better state of mind when we returned to the thicket this time and we were dropped off on a fairly fresh track of two promising bulls. The wind didn’t play along again but we pushed on. We noticed the herd for the first time just before four in the afternoon. They were quite close by and caught us off guard but they didn’t run very far, so we decided to follow them. After half an hour of intensive hunting and thicket scouring, my guide put down the shooting tripod and advised that I shoot. Initially I was only able to see the front leg of the eland, but then his stance came into view. It took half a second to determine that he was standing completely sideways. The reticle was positioned on his flank, and the shot rang. Seconds later, while the thicket was still in chaos, the bull gave his final balk.
My guide appeared to be floating from happiness and satisfaction. The shot wasn’t any further than 90 yards, and the bullet did way more than was expected. The bullet was recovered just under the skin of the furthest flank of the animal.
Peregrine, you offer an excellent product and I can’t see that I will ever need anything else in the field.
Kudu Bull Entry Angle

Kudu Bull Recovered Bullet

Eland Bull Entry Angle

Eland Bull Recovered Bullet

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